December 2020

Prof. Heinrich Wansing joined the Honorary Advisory Board of the Mexican Journal of LogicRevista Mexicana de Lógica.

The Alexander von Humboldt Foudadtion awarded a Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers to Dr Andrew Tedder (The Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague).  Dr Tedder will be hosted by Prof. Hitoshi Omori and Prof. Heinrich Wansing in order to work on the model theory of first-order relevance logics. He is expected to take up the fellowship in June 2021. Congratualtions, Andrew!

Dr Andrew Tedder

There were two talks in the Logic and Epistemology colloquium:

  • December 10, Dr Szymon Chlebowski (Poznań), "Abolition of the Brouwerian Axiom"
  • December 17, Dr Martin Pleitz (Münster), "Surreal Postulation"

On December 3 and 4, the 6th Workshop on Connexive Logics took place at RUB. The keynote speakers were

November 2020

Prof. Zachariah Weber (University of Otago, New Zealand) has been elected the recipient of a Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundattion. He intends to visit RUB for a reaearch stay with Prof. Heinrich Wansing and Prof. Hitoshi Omori in 2022. Congratualtions, Zach!

 Prof. Zachariah Weber

 A substantially revised version of the entry on Truth Values in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy has gone online on November 3, 2020.

There were three talks in the Logic and Epistemology colloquium:

  • November 5,  Dr Nils Kürbis (Łódź & Bochum), "Preliminaries for a Proof-Theoretic Semantics for Modal Operators"

  • November 12, Prof. Jonas Rafael Becker Arenhart (UFSC & Bochum), "Logical anti-exceptionalism meets ‘logic as models’"

  • November 19, Prof. Thomas Zeume (Bochum), "Sketches of Dynamic Descriptive Complexity Theory"

October 2020

Prof. Hitoshi Omori and Prof. Heinrich Wansing gave a course on connexive logic at the Hilbert-Bernays Summer School on Logic and Computation 2020.

Hilbert-Bernays Summer School on Logic and Computation 2020.

Dr Nils Kürbis took up his Humboldt Research Fellowship to work on a project titled "Proof and Modality. Proof-Theoretic Semantics for Modal Operators." Welcome to Bochum, Nils!

 Dr Nils Kürbis

On October 6, Prof. Heinrich Wansing gave a talk titled "A Note on Synonymy in Proof-theoretic Semantics" at TULIPS, The Utrecht Logic in Progress Series. 

September 2020

Prof. Graham Priest (CUNY) has been appointed as an International Research Fellow at RUB for the period 1 October 2020 to September 30 2023. Congratulations, Graham! We are looking forward to a close co-operation.

Prof. Graham Priest (CUNY)

May 2020

The covid-19 crisis has changed the way of presenting and discussing talks.

A picture from a lecture by Peter Schroeder-Heister at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study:

A picture from a lecture by Peter Schroeder-Heister at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study

March 2020

Prof. Heinrich Wansing joined the program committee of NCL 202010th International Conference: Non-Classical Logics. Theory and Applications, Łódź, September 2020.

February 2020

A substantially revised version of the entry on Negation in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy has gone online on February 20, 2020.

On February 12, Heinrich Wansing gave a talk in the Logicc of Conceivability seminar at the ILLC, Amsterdam, titled "Substructural negations as normal modal operators."

A substantially revised version of the entry on Connexive Logic in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy has gone online on February 4, 2020.

On February the 4th the Bochum Nonclassical Logic Workshop I took place. The speakers were:

January 2020

There were two talks in the Logic and Epistemology colloquium:

  • January the 23rs:  Prof. Nobu-Yuki Suzuki (Shizuoka) "Existence and disjunction properties in intermediate predicate logics"
  • January the 30th:  Dr. Erik Stei (Utrecht) "Logical pluralism and the dimensions of plurality"