
Kolloquium TALK (19.12.2023)

Anna Pavani (RUB): The Platonic Notion of the nun

Kolloquium TALK (05.12.2023)

Haitham Abukhadra (RUB): The coming together of Necessity and Intelligence in the Timaeus: How does it occur? The persistence through change of human-scale items in Heraclitus

Kolloquium TALK (21.11.2023)

Celso Vieira (RUB): The persistence through change of human-scale items in Heraclitus

Kolloquium TALK (06.11.2023)

Diego García Rincón (LMU) : Epistemic and causal roles of Forms in the Timaeus and the Phaedo

Kolloquium TALK (24.10.2023)

Wolfgang Sattler (ULisbon) : Separation and Being an Entity in Itself

BA Awarded

Vera-Maria Erdmann just concluded her BA with the title: "Grundlagen der Mathematik bei Aristoteles und Euklid". Congratulations, Vera!

Kolloquium TALK (05.07.2023)

Wolfgang Sattler (ULisbon) : Separation and Particularity in Metaphysics M.10

Kolloquium TALK (28.06.2023)

Manlio Fossati (TU Dortmund) : The eschatological myth as the culmination of Socrates’ argumentative line in Plato’s Phaedo.

Kolloquium TALK (14.06.2023)

Jeongjoo Lee (RUB) : Finding The Seat of Shame in Aristotle

Kolloquium TALK (07.06.2023)

Thomas Seissl (UNIVIE) : How to take it literally? Philoponus’ and Simplicius’ relecture of Aristotelian issues as an interpretation of Plato’s Timaeus

Kolloquium TALK (24.05.2023)

Fabian Ruge (RUB) : Future Contingency from Alexander to Boethius

Kolloquium TALK (17.05.2023)

Anna Pavani (RUB) : The (tensed) Language of Time in the Parmenides and in the Timaeus

Kolloquium TALK (03.05.2023)

Diego García Rincón (LMU) : The Cosmic Model as a Form of Whole Animal in Plato's Timaeus

Kolloquium TALK (26.04.2023)

Lucas Angioni (UNICAMP) : Aristotle and the Object of Posterior Analytics’s project

Kolloquium TALK (19.04.2023)

Celso Vieira (RUB) : A polemical interpretation of war in Heraclitus.

Author meets Critics SESSION (5-8.04.2023)

Author meets Critics session on Barbara Sattler's book The Concept of Motion in Ancient Greek Thought at the Pacific APA with critics Filip Karfik, John Palmer, and Jean De Groot, San Francisco, April 5th-8th, 2023.

Kolloquium TALK (31.01.2023)

Vera-Maria Erdmann (RUB) : Grundlagen der Mathematik bei Aristoteles und Euklid

Kolloquium TALK (17.01.2023)

Jeongjoo Lee (RUB) : The Place of Shame in Aristotle's Ethics

ARTICLE Publication - Heraclitus, Change and Objective Contradictions in Aristotle’s Metaphysics Γ

Celso Vieira (RUB) just published the article Heraclitus, Change and Objective Contradictions in Aristotle’s Metaphysics Γ in the Rhizomata journal. Click here to access.

Kolloquium TALK (10.01.2023)

Wolfgang Sattler (ULisboa) : Primary Substance and Proximate Cause

Kolloquium TALK (13.12.2022)

Kostiantin Bandurovskyi (RUB) : Capturing Proteus: Two Augustine’s Approaches to Academic Skepticism

Kolloquium TALK (06.12.2022)

Anna Pavani (RUB) : The (tensed) language of Time in Plato's "Timaeus."

PRIZE - Best Dissertation GANPH

We are delighted to inform that our own Anna Pavani won the first prize for best dissertation of the German Society for Ancient Philosophy (GANHP). The title of the work is "The Language of Dialectic in Plato's Sophist and Statesman".

Kolloquium TALK (29.11.2022)

Diego Rincon (LMU München/ RUB) : Alteration and Indeterminacy in Socrates’ Refutation of Radical Flux (Theaetetus 182d1-183b5)

Kolloquium TALK (22.11.2022)

Celso Vieira (RUB) : Higher-order thinking against collective self-deception in Heraclitus' B5

Kolloquium TALK (01.11.2022)

Thomas Seissl (UNIVIE/ RUB) : Is there a Second Nature in Nature? John Philoponus and Simplicius on Some Troubles with Physics VIII.4

Kolloquium TALK (25.10.2022)

Fabian Ruge (RUB) : Aristotle on Syllogism and Redundancy

Kolloquium TALK (18.10.2022)

Philip Schmitz (RUB) : Platonis musa: Die carmina in Boethius' Philosophiae consolatio als "platonische Dichtung"

VISITING Student - Diego Rincon

We are pleased to announce that Diego Rincon (LMU/ München) will spend a semester working at the RUB. Diego works with movement and order in Plato's cosmology.

BOOK publication - The Stoic Theory of Sign and Proof

Fabian Ruge published the book: The Stoic Theory of Sign and Proof. The book examines the fragmentary evidence from Sextus Empiricus and sheds light on the two aspects that characterise signs and proofs within Stoic epistemology: the logical relation that holds between a sign and that which it signifies and an additional epistemic relation that is called revelation. You can find the book here.