Professional development efficiency through activating intelligent learning support measures in sustainable, part-time and hybrid professional development programs (WILLEN)
Duration   05/2020-04/2023
Funded by   Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung [Federal Ministry of Education and Research]
Researchers   Prof. Dr. Nikol Rummel, Dr. Anna Keune, Katharina Teich
External website
Research partners  

Prof. Dr. Julian Roelle, Lehrstuhl für Pädagogische Intervention, Evaluation und Implementation (RUB); Prof. Dr. Joachim Wirth, Lehrstuhl für Lehr-Lernforschung (RUB); Prof. Dr. Katharina Uffmann, Lehrstuhl für Bürgerliches Recht, Unternehmensrecht und Recht der Familienunternehmen (RUB); Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Kuhlenkötter, Lehrstuhl für Produktionssysteme (RUB)

Project description

The WILLEN project studies learning processes and their effectiveness and efficiency within the hybrid professional development concept of Six Sigma. Particularly, the research focuses on how learning processes of the professional development concept can be improved. The project includes six work packages and a diverse group of internal partners at the RUB. Workpackage 3 focuses on adaptability and researches an intervention model for the implementation of an adaptive learning support system. This takes place in 3 phases, which are largely based on the design-based research approach.

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