December 2013
 Logical Consequence and paradox

November 2013
Prof. Heinrich Wansing has joined the international editorial board of the Journal Logical Investigations edited by the Institute of Philosophy of hte Russian Academy of Sciences
An interview with Andrea Kruse and Dr Caroline Semmling (in German, "Was machen eigentlich Logiker und Erkenntnistheoretiker?") appeared in the RUB newsletter Rubens, see 
An interview with Prof. Graham Priest ("A passion for thinking") appeared in the RUB newsletter “RUBens International”:
Two guest lectures: Prof. Bjørn Jespersen (Ostrava) “Double privation and multiply modified artefact properties”; Prof. Troben Braüner (Roskilde) “Hybrid-Logical Proofs: With an Application to False-Belief Tasks” 
Prof. Heinrich Wansing was an invited speaker at the annual Mal'tsev Meeting in Novosibirsk, see

October 2013
Thomas M. Ferguson (Chicago/New York) visited Prof. Graham Priest and Prof. Heinrich Wansing and gave three lectures on non-classical logic.
Dr Peter Verdée (Ghent) gave a gueat lecture on “Paraconsistent adaptive logics: introduction and new perspectives”

September 2013
Dr Caroline Willkommen's PhD thesis “Eine Logik von Handlungen und Überzeugungen“ has been published with Logos Verlag, Berlin, see
Andrea Kruse was a speaker at he following conferences: CLPS13: Congress on Logic and Philosophy of Science, Gent, 19th-21th September 2013, (The Diachronic Dimension of Peer Disagreement), Doxastic Freedom and Normativity, Regensburg, 19th-21th September 2013, (Combining Epistemic Blameworthiness with Compatibilist Doxastic Control)  and Cologne Summer School 2013 "Radical Secepticism", Cologne, 23rd-27th September 2013 (Epistemic Internalism without ACCESS?).
Prof. Heinrich Wansing was an invited speaker at the 6th Conference on Non-Classical Logics: Theory and Applications, Lodz, September 4-6, 2013.
July 2013
Prof. Graham Priest
Prof. Graham Priest (City University of New York) arrived in Bochum for a six-month research stay as a Humboldt Prize winner. He gave a lecture on Cotradiction and the Struture of Unity in the departmental colloqium of the Institute of Philosophy II. Moreover, Dr Hitoshi Omori (City University of New York) and Filippo Casati (City University of New York) arrived for research stays in connection with Prof. Priest's visit to Bochum. Every year, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation grants up to 100 Humboldt Research Awards to internationally renowned academics from abroad in recognition of their entire academic record to date. Academics whose fundamental discoveries, new theories, or insights have had a significant impact on their own discipline and beyond and who are expected to continue producing cutting-edge academic achievements in future. The award is valued at € 60,000.
Guest lectures were given by Prof. Hans Rott (University of Regensburg) on Negative Doxastic Voluntarism, and Dr Dolf Rami (University of Göttingen) on Existence as a Property of Individuals.
Prof. Heinrich Wansing joined the program committee of the conference PhDs in Logic VI, which will take place in Utrecht, The Netherlands on 24-25 April 2014.

June 2013
Guest lectures by Dr Giuseppe Greco (University of Amsterdam) on Dynamic Sequent Calculus for the Logic of Epistemic Actions and Knowledge, Dr Rik Peels (University of Utrecht) on Given the Falsehood of Doxastic Compatibilism, How Should we Construe Responsible Belief and Dr Matthias Unterhuber (University of Düsseldorf) on A Ramsey Test Perspective on Belief Revision and Chellas Segerberg Semantics.
Prof. Heinrich Wansing joined the program committee of the conference Advances in Modal Logic 2014 (AiML 2014).

May 2013
On the invitation of Prof. Hans Rott, Prof. Heinrich Wansing presented a guest lecture on negation in philosophicallogic at the University of Regensburg.

April 2013
Daniel Skurt took up his position as a new PhD student in Bochum and presented a paper on Suszko-Reduced Logics and Truth-Functionality at the  4th World Congress and School on Universal Logic (UNILOG), Rio de Janeiro, April 4-7, 2013, see Welcome to Bochum, Daniel.
Prof. Heinrich Wansing was a key-note speaker at the  4th World Congress and School on Universal Logic (UNILOG), Rio de Janeiro, April 4-7, 2013, see   Moreover, he gave a tutorial on Truth Values at the same conference together with Prof. Yaroslav Shramko (Kryvyi Rih).
On the invitation of Dr Peter Steinacker and Prof. Sebastian Rödl, Prof. Heinrich Wansing presented a guest lecture on negation as a modal operator at the University of Leipzig.

March 2013
The 2013 Hermann Lotze Prize was awarded to Prof. Heinrich Wansing at the 14th Szklarska Poreba Workshop, see
Prof. Heinrich Wansing was an invited speaker at the 2nd Conference on Proof-Theoretic Semantics, Tübingen, March 8-10, 2013, see

February 2013
Prof. Heinrich Wansing presented a guest lecture on negation as a modal operator at the Courant Research Centre "Text Structures", University of Göttingen.
During his stay as a visiting professor at the Deptartment of Philosophy and Education Science of the University of Cagliari, Prof. Heinrich Wansing presented two lectures in the research group of Prof. Roberto Giuntini.
Prof. Heinrich Wansing joined the program committee of the 8th Methods of Modalities Workshop, see .

January 2013 
Trends in Logic
Prof. Heinrich Wansing has taken up the function as the new editor-in-chief of the book series Trends in Logic, Springer Verlag, see