Phd. Robert Ciuni

Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow 2011-2013
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Institut für Philosophie II; GA 3/39
Universitätsstraße 150
D-44780 Bochum
GA 3/39
Phone: +49 234 32 - 28074
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Areas of Interest

  • Logic: Logics of Agency*, Deontic Logic*, Temporal Logics*, Epistemic Logic; Logics with Constructive Negation (Connexive Logic, Nelson’s N3 and N4);  Many-valued Logics*; Paraconsistent Logics*.
  • Epistemology and Philosophy of Science: The Dynamics of Theory Change, Procedures of Falsification.
  • Metaphysics: Presentism/Eternalism Debate*, Actualism/Possibilism debate*, Haecceitism, Causation.


  • PhD in Philosophy, June 2008, University of Florence.
    • Thesis: Existential Dependence in Temporal Contexts. Supervisors: Prof. Roberta   Lanfredini and Prof. Fabrice Correia.
  • MA, December 2003, Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa.
    • Thesis: Identificazione transtemporale e principio dell’”only x and y”. Supervisors: Prof. Mauro Mariani.
  • MA, October 2003, University of Pisa.
    • Thesis: Fenomenismo e Fenomenologia nelle Osservazioni Filosofiche di Ludwig Wittgenstein. Supervisors: Prof. Mauro Mariani.



  • (with Alberto Zanardo) Completeness of a Branching-time Logic with Possible Choices, Studia Logica, 96/3: 393-420, 2010.
  • (with Francesco Berto) Gaps e Gluts. Due avversari della bivalenza (Gaps and Gluts. Two rivals of bivalence),  Bollettino della Società Italiana di Filosofia Analitica, 1: 239-250, 2010.
  • The Search for the Diodorean Modalities, in R. Ciuni (ed.) Models of Time, Humana.mente 8: 47-65 (available at Search of Diorodean_issue 8.pdf)   2009.
  • From Achievement Stit to Metric Possible Choices, Logica 2009 Yearbook, London, College Publications, pp. 33-46, 2010.
  • (with Rosja Mastop) Attributing Distributed Responsibility in Stit Logic, in E. Pacuit and J. Horty,  Logic, Rationality, and Interaction. Second International Workshop, LORI 2009, Springer, pp. 66-75, 2009.

Edited Volumes

Work in Progress

  1. Completeness of a Group STIT with Next Operators and Cognate Logics.
  2. (with Jan Broersen) A Deontic Probabilistic STIT Logic and its Applications
  3. (with Carlo Proietti) The Abundance of the Future: A Paraconsistent Approach to Future Contingents.
  4. (with Giuliano Torrengo) Presentism and Cross-Temporal Relations, to be included in 9 below.
  5. (with Giuliano Torrengo and Kristie Miller) New Papers on the Present, currently in talks with Philosophia Verlag.