"If she weighs the same as a duck she's made of wood."
(Monty Python on Natural Language Conditionals)
About Me
- Member of the employee theatre group at RUB
- Coordinator M.A. Program HPS+Logic
- 2017, Dr. phil. in Logic, Ruhr University Bochum
- 2012, M.A. in Logic, Leipzig University
- 2007, Dipl.-Ing. in Electrical Engineering, TU Chemnitz
Teaching SS 2024
Seminars & Lectures:
- Research Colloquium "Logic and Epistemology", GABF 04/358, Do 16-18 (with Nils Kürbis)
Lecture Notes
- Contradictory Logics: A Radical Challenge to Logical Orthodoxy - Project Assistance
- Modal Semantics without Possible Worlds (DFG project SK 379/1-1) (finished)
- FDE-based modal logics (DFG project WA 936/13-1) (finished)
Research Interests
- Modal Extensions of Many-Valued Logics
- Non-Deterministic Semantics for Modal Logics
- Non-normal Modal Logics
- Non-Deterministics Semantics
Journal Papers
- Pawel Pawlowski, —. ☐ and ◇ in eight-valued non-deterministic semantics for modal logics. Journal of Logic and Computation, 2024. [pdf]
- Pawel Pawlowski, —. 8 Valued Non-Deterministic Semantics for Modal Logics. Journal of Philosophical Logic, 2024. [pdf]
- Sergey Drobyshevich, —. Neighbourhood semantics for FDE-based modal logics. Studia Logica, 2021. [pdf]
- Sergei Odintsov, —, Heinrich Wansing. On Definability of Connectives and Logics over FDE. Logic and Logical Philosophy, 28,(4): 631–659, 2019. [pdf]
- —. Bi-intuitionistic Implication Structures. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logic, 28,(1): 20–34, 2018. [pdf]
- Heinrich Wansing, —. Negation as Cancellation, Connexive Logic, and qLPm. The Australasian Journal of Logic, 2,(15): 476–488, 2018. [pdf]
- —. FDE Circumscription. The Australasian Journal of Logic, 2,(14): 326–355, 2017. [pdf]
- —. A Note on Two’s Company: ”The Humbug of Many Logical Values”. Logica Universalis, 3,(11): 401–407, 2017. [pdf]
- Hitoshi Omori, —. More Modal Semantics without Possible Worlds. IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications, 3,(5): 815–846, 2016. [pdf]
Book Chapters
- Hitoshi Omori, —, "On Ivlev's semantics for modality", in Coniglio, M. E., Kubyshkina, E. & Zaitsev, D. V. (eds), Many-valued semantics and modal logics. Essays in Honour of Yuri V. Ivlev, Springer, [preprint].
- Sergei Odintsov, —, Heinrich Wansing. Connexive Variants of Modal Logics over FDE. In: O. Arieli and A. Zamansky (eds.), Outstanding Contributions to Logic volume for Arnon Avron. [preprint]
- Heinrich Wansing, —. On Non-transitive ’Identity’. In: C. Baskent and T.M. Ferguson (eds.), Graham Priest on Dialetheism and Paraconsistency, Springer, 535–553, 2020. [pdf]
Conference Proceedings
- —. The smallest modal system. Short Paper Submission AiML 2022.
- Hitoshi Omori, —. Untruth, falsity and non-deterministic semantics. IEEE 51th International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, Volume 51, 2021. [preprint]
- Hitoshi Omori, —. A Semantics for a Failed Axiomatization of K. Proceedings of AiML 2020. [pdf]
- Hitoshi Omori, —. Sixteen3 in Light of Routley Stars. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11541, Logic, Language, Information and Computation, Springer, 516–532, WoLLIC 2019. [preprint]
- Heinrich Wansing, —. Logical Connectives for some FDE-based Modal Logics. Short Paper Submission AiML 2018.
- Hitoshi Omori, —. A survey on Kearns’ modal semantics without possible worlds. Short Paper Submission AiML 2016.
Books and Dissertation
- —. New Perspectives on Some Established Non-Classical Logical Systems. Dissertation, Ruhr University Bochum, University Library.