December 2015
Prof. Heinrich Wansing joined the scientific committee of "Trends in Logic XVI: Consistency, Contradiction, Paraconsistency and Reasoning – 40 years of CLE", Campinas, Brazil, September 12-15, 2016.
November 2015
Prof. Heinrich Wansing gave an invited talk at the conference General Proof Theory Celebrating 50 Years of Dag Prawitz's "Natural Deduction", 27–29 November 2015 in Tübingen, Germany, see
Moreover, on November 3, he gave a lunchtime talk on "Compositionality in proof-theoretic semantics"at the Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh.
September 2015
Andrea Kruse presented a joint paper with Amy Flowerree on "How to Be an Epistemic Consequentialist (Or, how We Learned not to Be a Mad Mad Dog Reliabilist)" at the GAP.9 Congress in Osnabrück, see
Prof. Heinrich Wansing gave invited lectures on "Compositionality in proof-theoretic semantics" at
Moreover, he gave a talk "On Split Negation, Falsification, and Verification" at the GAP.9 Congress in Osnabrück, see At that conference he was elected as a memeber of the jury of the Wolfgang Stegmüller Award 2018.
August 2015
Prof. Heinrich Wansing joined the program committee of the Amsterdam Colloquium 2015, see
He presented invited talks:
July 2015
Prof. Heinrich Wansing entered into the project Generalizing Truth-Functionality (GETFUN - FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IRSES).
June 2015
Daniel Skurt and Prof. Heinrich Wansing presented papers at UNILOG 2015 in Istanbul, and Dr Hitoshi Omori and Prof. Heinrich Wansing organized a workshop on connexive logic at UNILOG 2015, see
Prof. Heinrich Wansing joined the program committee of C6, see
The workshop "Logic in Bochum 1" took place on June 22 and 23:
Andrea Kruse presented a talk in Cologne at the workshop Defeaters, Higher-order Evidence and the Limits of Defeat.
Dr Dunja Seselja gave a talk at the 8th Munich-Sydney-Tilburg (MuST) Conference on "Objectivity in Science" at Tilburg University. Topic: Is interaction conducive of scientific objectivity?
May 2015
Andrea Kruse gave a talk on "Die Epistemische Bedeutung von Peer Dissens" at the workshop Epistemischer Relativismus und Dissens, TU Dresden, May 15-17.
April 2015
Dr Grigory Olkhovikov (Yekaterinburg) took ap up his Humboldt Research Fellowship.
March 2015
Dr Dunja Seselja gave a talk at the University of Zurich, Lecture series Disagreement. Topic: Scientic Disagreements: Epistemological and Methodological Considerations
Daniel Skurt finished his research visit at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (February 15 - March 31).
February 2015
The volume Proof Theory of N4-Paraconsistent Logics, Studies in Logic, Vol. 54, by N. Kamide and H. Wansing has appeared.
On February 5, Daniel Skurt gave a talk on Paraconsistent circumscription in the séminaire interuniversitaire de recherche at the University of Namur (Belgium).
January 2015
The entry on negation in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy has been released, see
On January 13, Prof. Joke Meheus (Ghent University) gave a talk in Bochum on "Uncertainty in Scientific Discovery: Where Ampliative Reasoning and Inconsistency-Handling Meet.
Prof. Heinrich Wansing joined the program committee of DARe 2015, International Workshop on Defeasible and Ampliative Reasoning, held in conjunction with IJCAI 2015, Buenos Aires, July 2015.