December 2022
There were the following talks in the Logic and Epistemology colloquium:
- December 1, Ivo Pezlar (Prague), Overloaded meaning of absurdity
- December 8, Lisa Michajlova (RUB) [Joint work with Christian Straßer], Evaluating and Selecting Arguments in the Context of Higher Order Uncertainty and Peter Verdée (Louvain), Establishment semantics for intuitionistic logic
- December 22, Zach Weber (Otago), Toward Paraconsistent Computability Theory
Heinrich Wansing joined the jury of the Newton da Costa Prize 2022 (PNC 2022).
November 2022
Daniel Skurt organized the 1st Workshop on Non-deterministic Semantics for Modal Logics, November 7-8, 2022.
Andrew Tedder co-organized the online workshop New Directions in Relevant Logic, November 10 and 18, 2022.
The second Bochum-Łódź Logic Workshop was held in person and online on the 17th and 18th of November, organized by Nils Kürbis. This time, the two ERC Advanced Grants held at the departments were the focus. The event provided an opportunity for the PIs of the grants and their collaborators and PhD students to present their work.
Heinrich Wansing’s project “Contradictory Logics: ConLog: A Radical Challenge to Logical Orthodoxy” is held at the Department of Philosophy I of Ruhr Universität Bochum. Andrzej Indrzejczak’s project “ExtenDD: Coming to Terms: Proof Theory Extended to Definite Descriptions and other Terms” is held at the Department of Logic and Methodology of Science of the University of Łódź. The following talks were given:
- Andrzej Indrzejczak: The coming to terms project: Extending proof theory by 𝜄
- Nils Kürbis: Definite descriptions via binary quantification
- Heinrich Wansing: The contradictory logics project
- Caitlin Canonica: Contradictions in the Wild; toward an experimental approach to contradictory logics
- Grigory Olkhovikov: On some first-order connexive logics
- Leonard Kupś: Methods of modelling linear time in hypersequent calculus
- Yaroslav Petrukhin: Cut-free sequent calculi for some three-valued logics obtained via correspondence analysis
- Satoru Niki: Provable contradictions and Kamide's negations
- Sara Ayhan: Two-sorted typed lambda-calculus for 2Int
- Michał Zawidzki: When iota meets lambda: The case of interpolation
- Przemysław Wałȩga: DatalogMTL: a logic for reasoning about temporal databases
There were the following talks in the Logic and Epistemology colloquium:
- November 10, Damian Szmuc (Universidad de Buenos Aires), Canonical, co-canonical, and combined sequent rules for classical logic and Mariela Rubin (Universidad de Buenos Aires), Indicative conditionals, asymmetric relations and triviality results
- November 24, Sena Bozdag (MCMP), A comparative study of hyperintensionality accounts
October 2022
Heinrich Wansing was an invited speaker at the
7th Workshop on Connexive Logics, Mexico City, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, and geve a talk titles "Constructive logic is connexive and contradictory."
In the service of the Logicians Liberation League
On behalf of the Cardinal of Connexivity (Heinrich Wansing) and Keeper of Classical Residue (Hitoshi Omori), after we all met in Toruń at the WCP6, let it be known that Yaroslav Shramko is inducted into the LLL, and hereby awarded the title Rector and Protector of Safety for many well known services to logic.
This is now inscribed for eternity in the hallowed halls of the internet, aalogic.org (under >Curios).
So let it be written, so let it be done.
— Cardinal of Comprehension / Secretary General of the AAL
At the 49th Symposium for Research Award Winners of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Bamberg, October 13-16, 2002), Prof. Zach Weber finally received his Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Award. Congratualtions again, Zach.