Reviews for Zentralblatt für Mathematik und ihre Grenzgebiete / Zentralblatt Math


  • Paoli, Francesco: A paraconsistent and substructural conditional logic. Tanaka, Koji (ed.) et al., Paraconsistency. Logic and applications. Selected papers of the 4th world congress on paraconsistency. Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science 26. Berlin: Springer (2013), 173-198 [Zbl 1280.03031]
  • Kurucz, Agi; Marcelino, Sérgio: Non-finitely axiomatisable two-dimensional modal logics. J. Symb. Log. 77, No. 3, 970-986 (2012) [Zbl 1259.03032]
  • Béziau, Jean-Yves: A new four-valued approach to modal logic. (English) Log. Anal., Nouv. Sér.54, No. 213, 109-121 (2011) [Zbl 05932895]
  • Indrzejczak, Andrzej: Admissibility of cut in congruent modal logics. Log. Log. Philos. 20, No. 3, 189-203 (2011) [Zbl 1248.03076]
  • Field, Hartry: Pluralism in Logic. Rev. Symb. Log. 2, No. 2, 342-359 (2009) [ZBL 1184.03004]
  • Odintsov, Sergei P.: On axiomatizing Shramko-Wansing's logic. Stud. Log. 91, No. 3, 407-428 (2009) [Zbl 1170.03014]
  • Blau Ulrich: Die Logik der Unbestimmtheiten und Paradoxien. Philosohische Impulse 8. Heidelberg: Synchron Verlag der Autoren. 960p. (2008) [Zbl 1205.03005]
  • Robles, Gemma: Extensions of the basic constructive logic for negation-consistency BKc1 defined with a falsity constant. Log. Anal., Nouv. Sér. 51, No. 201, 57-80 (2008) [Zbl 1147.03308]
  • Odintsov, Sergei P.: Constructive negations and paraconsistency. Trends in Logic--Studia Logica Library 26. Dordrecht: Springer. vi, 240p. (2008) [Zbl 1161.03014]
  • Robles, Gemma: The basic constructive logic for absolute consistency defined with a propositional falsity constant. Log. J. IGPL 16, No. 3, 275-291 (2008) [Zbl 1145.03012]
  • Bonanno, Giacomo: Temporal interaction of information and belief. Stud. Log. 86, No. 3, 375-401 (2007) [Zbl 1139.03011]
  • Freund, Max A.: A two dimensional tense-modal sortal logic. J. Philos. Log. 36, No. 5, 571-598 (2007) [Zbl 1126.03022]
  • Broersen, Jan; Herzig, Andreas; Troquard, Nicolas: Embedding alternating-time temporal logic in strategic STIT logic of agency. J. Log. Comput. 16, No. 5, 559-578 (2006) [Zbl 1120.03014]
  • Berto, Francesco: Characterizing negation to face dialetheism. Log. Anal., Nouv. Sér. 49, No. 195, 241-263 (2006) [Zbl 1113.03005]
  • Cantwell, John: A formal model of multi-agent belief-interaction. J. Logic Lang. Inf. 14, No. 4, 397-422 (2005) [Zbl 1106.03008]
  • Forster, Thomas: The modal aether. Kahle, Reinhard (ed.), Intensionality. Wellesley, MA: A K Peters; Urbana, IL: Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL). Lecture Notes in Logic 22, 1-19 (2005) [Zbl 1089.03008]
  • Schumm, George F.: An alleged problem for possible worlds semantics. Analysis, Oxf. 65, No.1 (2005), 62-69 [Zbl 1077.03005]



  • van Benthem, Johan: What one may come to know. Analysis, Oxf. 64, No.2 (2004), 95-105 [Zbl 1073.03004]
  • Brown, Bryson: Knowledge and non-contradiction. Priest, Graham (ed.) et al., The law of non-contradiction. New philosophical essays. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (2004), 126-155 [Zbl 1069.03003]
  • Wolff, Michael: Treatise on the principles of logic. (Abhandlung über die Prinzipien der Logik.) Philosophische Abhandlungen 88. Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann. xviii, 318 p. (2004) [Zbl 1059.03001]
  • Halbach, Volker; Leitgeb, Hannes: Welch, Philip: Possible-worlds semantics for modal notions conceived as predicates. J. Philos. Log. 32, No.2 (2003), 179-223 [Zbl 1031.03041]
  • Slater, B.H.: Ambiguity is not enough. Carnielli, Walter A. (ed.) et al., Paraconsistency. The logical way to the inconsistent. Proceedings of the 2nd world congress on paraconsistency, WCP '2000, in honor of Newton da Costa on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Sao Paulo, Brazil, May 12-19, 2000. New York, NY: Marcel Dekker. Lect. Notes Pure Appl. Math. 228 (2002), 455-463 [Zbl 1049.03023]
  • Davey, Kevin: Obligation and the conditional in stit theory. Stud. Log. 72, No.3 (2002) 339-362 [Zbl 1020.03016]
  • Scheffler, Uwe: Ereignis und Zeit. Ontologische Grundlagen der Kausalrelationen. (Event and time. Ontological foundations of causal relations) Logische Philosophie. 7. Berlin: Logos Verlag. ix, 252 p. (2001) [Zbl 1003.03005]
  • Bimbó, Katalin: Semantics for structurally free logics LC+. Log. J. IGPL 9, No.4 (2001), 525-539 [Zbl 0986.03019]
  • Levi, Isaac: The logic of full belief. Sher, Gila (ed.) et al., Between logic and intuition. Essays in honor of Charles Parsons. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 124-151 (2000) [Zbl 0998.03010]
  • Stephanou, Yannis: How many possible worlds are there? Analysis, Oxf. 60, No.3 (2000), 223-228 [Zbl 0976.03004]
  • Mason, Richard: Before logic. SUNY Series in Philosophy. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. vi, 153 p. (2000) [Zbl 0958.03001]



  • Rahman, Shahid; Rückert, Helge: Dialogische Modallogik (für T, B, S4 und S5). (Dialogical modal logic (for T, B, S4 and S5)) Log. Anal., Nouv. Sér. 42, No.167-168 (1999) 243-282 [Zbl 1015.03026]
  • Lindström, Sten; Rabinowicz, Wlodek: DDL unlimited: Dynamic doxastic logic for introspective agents. Erkenntnis 50, No.2-3 (1999), 353-385 [Zbl 0969.03024]
  • Hansson, Sven Ove: A textbook of belief dynamics. Theory change and database updating. Applied Logic Series. 11. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. xii, 398 p.; appendix 65 p. (solutions for chapters 1-4) Dfl. 230.00; (1999) [Zbl 0947.03023]
  • Pizzi, Claudio: A modal framework for consequential implication and the factor law. Carnielli, Walter A. (ed.) et al., Advances in contemporary logic and computer science. Proceedings of the 11th Brazilian conference on mathematical logic, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. May 6-10, 1996. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. Contemp. Math. 235 (1999), 313-326 [Zbl 0940.03033]
  • Kremer, Philip: Relevant identity. J. Philos. Log. 28, No.2, (1999), 199-222 [Zbl 0923.03027]
  • Horsten, Leon: A Kripkean approach to unknowability and truth. Notre Dame J. Formal Logic 39, No.3 (1998), 389-405 [Zbl 0981.03010]
  • Sowa, John F.: The infinite variety of logics. Herzog, Otthein (ed.) et al., KI-98: Advances in artificial intelligence. 22nd annual German conference, Bremen, Germany, September 15--17, 1998. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 1504, 31-53 (1998) [Zbl 0926.03038]
  • Bimbó, Katalin; Dunn, J. Michael: Two extensions of the structurally free logic LC. Log. J. IGPL 6, No.3 (1998), 403-424 [Zbl 0904.03006]
  • Heck, Richard G.jun.(ed.): Language, thought, and logic. Essays in honour of Michael Dummett. Oxford: Oxford University Press. viii, 309 p. (1997) [Zbl 0930.03005]
  • Barwise, Jon: Information and impossibilities. Notre Dame J. Formal Logic 38, No.4 (1997), 488-515 [Zbl 0920.03002]
  • Lesniewski, Piotr; Tworak, Zbigniew: Collective epistemic logic. Acta Univ. Wratislav., Log. 1890(17) (1997), 88-102 [Zbl 0907.03005]
  • Nakayama, Yotaro: DRT and many-valued logics. Akama, Seiki (ed.), Logic, language and computation. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Appl. Log. Ser. 5, (1997), 131-142 [Zbl 0898.03011]
  • Mints, Grigori: Indexed systems of sequents and cut-elimination. J. Philos. Log. 26, No.6 (1997), 671-696 [Zbl 0885.03043]
  • van Benthem, Johan (ed.); ter Meulen, Alice (ed.): Handbook of logic and language. Amsterdam: North-Holland. xxiii, 1247 p. Dfl 178.25 (1997) [Zbl 0874.03001]



  • Goré, Rajeev: On the completeness of classical modal display logic. Wansing, Heinrich (ed.), Proof theory of modal logic. Proceedings of a workshop, Hamburg, Germany, November 19--20, 1993. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Appl. Log. Ser. 2 (1996), 137-140 [Zbl 0878.03014]
  • Kamp, Hans; Reyle, Uwe: A calculus for first order discourse representation structures. J. Logic Lang. Inf. 5, No.3-4 (1996), 297-348 [Zbl 0865.03018]
  • Veltman, Frank: Defaults in update semantics. J. Philos. Log. 25, No.3 (1996), 221-261 [Zbl 0860.03025]
  • Thijsse, Elias; Wansing, Heinrich: A fugue on the themes of awareness logic and correspondence. J. Appl. Non-Class. Log. 6, No.2, 127-136 (1996) [Zbl 0849.03012]
  • Venema, Yde: Meeting a modality? Restricted permutation for the Lambek calculus. Pólos, László (ed.) et al., Applied logic: how, what and why. Logical approaches to natural language. Papers presented at the international conference "Applied logic: logic at work", held in Amsterdam (Netherlands), December 1992. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Synth. Libr. 247 (1995), 343-361 [Zbl 0845.03001]
  • de Swart, H.; Rauszer, C.: Different approaches to knowledge, common knowledge and Aumann's theorem. Wansing, Heinrich (ed.) et al., Knowledge and belief in philosophy and artificial intelligence. Based on a workshop "Modellierung epistemischer Propositionen", held during the German AI conference in Saarbrücken, Germany, September 20-21, 1994. Berlin: Akademie Verlag. Logica Nova (1995), 87-102 [Zbl 0840.03013]
  • Barwise, Jon; Gabbay, Dov; Hartonas, Chrysafis: On the logic of information flow. Bull. IGPL 3, No.1, (1995), 7-49 [Zbl 0831.03012]
  • Ersan, Murat; Akman, Varol: Situated modeling of epistemic puzzles. Bull. IGPL 3, No.1, (1995), 51-76 [Zbl 0831.03015]
  • Crocco, G.; Farinas del Cerro, L.: Structure, consequence relation and logic. Gabbay, D. M. (ed.), What is a logical system? Oxford: Oxford University Press. Stud. Log. Comput. 4, (1994),239-259 [Zbl 0823.03013]
  • Urchs, Max: On the logic of event-causation. Jaskowski-style systems of causal logic. Stud. Log. 53, No.4 (1994), 551-578 [Zbl 0823.03012]
  • Penther, Brigitte: A dynamic logic of action. J. Logic Lang. Inf. 3, No.3 (1994), 169-210 [Zbl 0810.03015]
  • Steel, Sam: Actions on belief. J. Appl. Non-Class. Log. 4, No.1 (1994), 29-71 [Zbl 0803.03012]
  • La Palme Reyes, Marie; Macnamara, John; Reyes, Gonzalo E.; Zolfaghari, Houman: The non-Boolean logic of natural language negation. Philos. Math., III. Ser. 2, No.1 (1994), 45-68 [Zbl 0794.03042]


  • Vanderveken, Daniel; Nowak, Marek: An algebraic analysis of the logical form of propositions. Log. Anal., Nouv. Sér. 36, No.141-142 (1993), 135-148 [Zbl 0841.03013]
  • Saurer, Werner: A natural deduction system for discourse representation theory. J. Philos. Log. 22, No.3 (1993), 249-302 [Zbl 0787.03017]
  • Williamson, Timothy: On intuitionistic modal epistemic logic. J. Philos. Log. 21, No.1 (1992), 63-89 [Zbl 0746.03014]
  • Thijsse, Elias G.C.: Logics of consciousness explained and compared: Partial approaches to actual belief. Logique Anal., Nouv. Sér. 34, No.133-134 (1991), 221-250 [Zbl 0803.03013]
  • Lejoly, Ph.: A subjective logic of knowledge. Logique Anal., Nouv. Sér. 34, No. 133-134 (1991), 121-132 [Zbl 0803.03011]
  • Cohen, Daniel H.: Conditionals, quantification, and strong mathematical induction. J. Philos. Log. 20, No.3 (1991), 315-326 [Zbl 0739.03012]
  • Mackenzie, Jim; Priest, Graham: Paraconsistent dialogues; or, how to start talking to Cretans. Logique Anal., Nouv. Sér. 33, No.131-132 (1990), 339-357 [Zbl 0795.03005]
  • Percival, Philip: Indices of truth and intensional operators. Theoria 56, No.3 (1990), 148-172 [Zbl 0769.03005]