Institut für Philosophie I
GA 3/150
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Universitätsstr. 150
44801 Bochum
"Actual Causation and the Challenge of Purpose", in: Erkenntnis 88, 6 (2023).
Enno Fischer
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"Naturalness and the Forward-Looking Justification
of Scientific Principles", in: Philosophy of Science 90,3 (2023).
Enno Fischer
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Enno Fischer has research interests in philosophy of science, philosophy of physics, and metaphysics. Currently, he is interested in the epistemology and methodology of particle physics. He develops a philosophical account of guiding principles in scientific inquiry. Traditionally, scientific principles are understood as claims that are particularly robust. But sometimes principles play an important role in scientific inquiry even though they have hypothetical or even speculative character. Looking at case studies such as the so-called “naturalness principle” in high-energy physics, Enno Fischer researches the roles that such principles play in developing new theories and motivating experiments. Enno Fischer has also research interests in theories of causation and causal reasoning. Currently, he is interested in value-laden causal reasoning in the context of cause-of-death inquiry. He has also published on interventionist causal models as a framework for understanding causal concepts.
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Herr Dr. Enno Fischer ist zum 01.04.2024 zum Jun.-Prof. an der TU Dresden ernannt worden.