
Workshop 2015

4th RUB-Workshop for History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences ‘Cultures of Anthropological Knowledge’, June 15th 2015

Workshops 2013

3rd RUB-Workshop for History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 'Models of Gene Regulation in Postwar Period'. May 7th 2013.

Workshop ‘Anthropology 2.0’, Sept. 10th-11th 2013

Workshops 2012

2nd RUB-Workshop for History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences ‘Philosophical Challenges of Modern Biology’. Nov. 29th 2012

Workshop ‘Knowledge and Law: Perspectives on the Status of Laws in 19th Century Philosophy of Science’, State University of Milan, Italy, Nov. 16-17 2012

Workshops 2011

1st RUB-Workshop for History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences.
March 23rd 2011

Workshop 'Limits of Knowledge. Between Philosophy and the Science'
State University of Milan, Italy, Nov. 17th-18th 2011