03/2020 - 12/2023
Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Subproject: Innovation Field Lab
Prof. Dr. Joachim Wirth und Flora Mehrabi
The project "Digitization in the Education of Student Teachers: Enabling Orientation and Design" (DiAL:OGe) (Germ. Digitalisierung in der Ausbildung von Lehramtsstudierenden: Orientierung und Gestaltung ermöglichen) aims to implement digitization in the education of student teachers in a meaningful way as well as establish a corresponding culture of continuing education within the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. This is achieved through the structured connection between the subject didactics and sciences as well as educational sciences in five Dialogräume and the Innovation Field Lab. The measures are accompanied by comprehensive evaluation. DiAL:OGe involves 30 researchers from various (school) subjects and educational sciences from a total of 17 faculties
(Prospective) teachers are confronted with the challenges of digitization in two ways: they themselves must act in a media-competent manner and at the same time promote media competence among their students. Hence, the project aims to strengthen M.Ed students’ competences in three areas: media didactics, media reflection and media pedagogy. Students are familiarized with the current developments of digitization research in order to strengthen their own media competence.
The three coordinated measures of the project support the implementation of digitization into the curriculum of the subjects and promote a consistent culture of innovation:
(1) In the Dialogräume, researchers work in interdisciplinary settings on exemplary aspects of digitization. The goal is to design, systematically evaluate, and implement innovative digitization-related learning contexts and formats. The Dialogräume and consequently themes are the following:
The Dialograum #Explanatory Videos focuses on how to determine good videos for students.
The Dialograum #Expanding Realities focuses on the use of virtual and augmented reality for education. The Dialograum #Changing Curricula focuses on the changes digitization triggers in subjects, school and the role of the teacher. The Dialograum #Democracy Education focuses on the use of digitisation for democracy education. The Dialograum #Digital Literacy focuses on the skills to determine valuable and reliable sources on the internet.
(2) The Innovation Field Lab promotes the interdisciplinary exchange on digitization between the participating researchers. In cooperation with internationally renowned digitization specialists in Bochum and M.Ed. teachers, an interdisciplinary training and transfer system for M.Ed. teachers will be established.
(3) DiAL:OGe is accompanied by a comprehensive scientifically based evaluation. The evaluation measures examine the level of the individual Dialogräume, the Dialogräume as a whole and the overall project.
DiAL:OGe thus creates the organizational conditions to promote digitization-related competencies of M.Ed. teachers as well as to design innovative learning contexts and learning formats and to sustainably implement them in the M.Ed. program. At the same time, new perspectives on school and teaching are opened up.