
Call for Papers
Lectures and Workshop on Jonathan Birch's book 'The Edge of Sentience', 12-13 June, 2025 at Ruhr-Uni Bochum, Veranstaltungszentrum (Saal 1). We invite early career researchers to submit abstracts (max. 700 words) for peer review by email to by February 1st, 2025.

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ASSC 27, Tokyo, July 2024

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Our MA student Lara Bräuchle and PhD student Yizhi Li entered the competitive annual ASSC meeting this year in Tokyo ( Yizhi presentd his work on Mind Wandering, and Lara her empirical data obtained with Tristan Bekinschtein in Cambridge on Attention and chronic pain experience. Congratulations!

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New Publications

Book CoverHarris, K.R. (2024) Misinformation, Content Moderation, and Epistemology. London: Routledge.





Cover Schlicht 2023Schlicht, T. (2023) Philosophy of Social Cognition. London: Palgrave.





Smortchkova CoverSmortchkova, J., Dolega, K., Schlicht, T. (eds.) (2021): What are Mental Representations? Oxford: Oxford University Press.




Venter, E. (2024) Integrating embodied cognition and predictive processing. In: The Routledge Handbook of Embodied Cognition. 2nd ed. (pp. 101-109)


T. Starzak, T. Schlicht (2023) Can Affordances be Reasons? In: Philosophical Psychology doi:10.1080/09515089.2023.2270694.(Open Access)


Poth, N., Dolega, K. (2023). Bayesian Belief Protection: A Study of Belief in Conspiracy Theories. In: Philosophical Psychology. (Open Access)


Upcoming Events

In the Winter Semester 2024-25, I will be on sabbatical. Dr. Alfredo Vernazzani will teach instead.

We are excited that Peter Carruthers (Maryland) will present the next Rudolf-Carnap Lectures in 2025 (March 17-19).