Professional Development Efficiency Through Activating Intelligent Learning Support Measures in Sustainable, Part-time and Hybrid Professional Development Programs

05/2020 – 04/2023


Federal Ministry of Education and Research


Subproject Lerneffizienz und -motivation: Prof. Dr. Joachim Wirth, Vanessa Loock


Academy of the Ruhr-University:
Dr. Yves Gensterblum

Research Group of Psychology of Education:
Prof. Dr. Julian Roelle, Linda Froese

Research Group of Educational Psychology and Technology:
Prof. Dr. Nikol Rummel, Katharina Teich

Faculty of Law, Ruhr-University:
Prof. Dr. Katharina Uffmann, Florian Struebig

LPS Ruhr-University:
Prof. Dr. Bernd Kuhlenkoetter, Amelie Karcher

lean2sigma GmbH:
Dr. Markus Maier


The project WILLEN consisted of 5 subprojects. All were aiming to contribute to a better understanding of the learning process in hybrid continuing education by investigating it from different perspectives and by creating adaptive interventional mechanisms to support the learners. The subprojects identified improvement potentials and implemented different supportive measures. An evaluation showed changes in the dependant variables learning efficiency and learning motivation. The subproject „Learning efficiency and learning motivation“, which was based at the Research Group of Research on Learning and Instruction, investigated primarily the motivational profile of adult learners in the context of continuing education. After exploring challenges reported by the learners, an intervention model has been developed and evaluated. It contained motivational prompts and was intended to support the learners' time management. This was continuously evaluated and optimized across the individual training cohorts. Finally, a global evaluation has been carried out to check the effectiveness of the intervention and to make the support concept available for other continuing education contexts.  

Selected Publications

Loock, V. S., Fleischer, J., Scheunemann, A., Teich, K., Froese, L., & Wirth, J. (2022). Narrowing down dimensions of e-learning readiness in continuing vocational education – perspectives from the adult learner. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1033524.