Chair of Practical Philosophy, esp. Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Law


In the summer semester 2024 the chair will be
represented by Dr. Reza Mosayebi

Office hours: Wednesday, 4-5 pm
registration per email
with Martina Tomczak

For all questions concerning Prof. Mieth´s
courses, please contact
Marco Antonio Toche Zevallos

Phone.: +49-234-32-28719
Room: GA 3/136

Postal address:
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Institute of Philosophy I
GA 3/136
Universitätsstraße 150
D-44780 Bochum


Keynote Speech "Le Cosmopolitisme d'Immanuel Kant"
as part of the European Researchers' Night in the City of science Tunis
Goethe-Institute Tunis, September 27th, 2024

Keynote Speech "Kantian Cosmopolitanism, Hostility and Disrespect" (with Martin Sticker)
8th Aretai Annual Conference "Ethos and virtue: theoretical and practical perspectives"

University of Bari, Italy, September 25th, 2024

Keynote Speech "Kant on Poverty"
14th International Kant Congress "Kant's Project of Enlightenment"
University of Bonn, Gustav-Stresemann-Institute (GSI)
Bonn, September 12th, 2024

Keynote Speech "Kant's Formula of Humanity and Migration"
14th International Kant Congress "Kant's Project of Enlightenment"
University of Bonn, Gustav-Stresemann-Institute (GSI)
Bonn, September 10th, 2024

Keynote Speech "Kant and Uber Drivers"
Course "The Diversity of Human Rights. Human Rights and Inequalities"
Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik (IUC), Croatia,  August 27th, 2024

Keynote Speech "Kant on Poverty, Dignity and the Kingdom of Ends"
South American-German Kant-Conference 2024:
Kant and our Present Times: Climate Change, Poverty, Expertise, and Education"
Digitales Kant-Zentrum NRW, online August 16 & 17, 2024

Keynote Speech "Rechts- und Tugendpflichten im Kontext von Migration"
International Conference "Recht und Ethik in Kants Metaphysik der Sitten"
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, IZEA, 12th June 2024

Colloquium "Kant und die Antike", moderation
University of Bonn, 6th-7th June 2024

Kant Table Talks "Universal Citizenship & International Cooperation",
Goethe-Institute Amsterdam, 05.06.2024

Talk "Kant's Formula of Humanity and Migration"
International Workshop "Democracy and Rationality" at the University of Sarajevo,
Sarajevo, Bosnia, 09.05.2024

Talk "Kant's Formula of Humanity and Migration"
Philosophy Colloquium at the New School for Social Research,
New York, USA, 02.05.2024

Talk "Blinde Flecken in Kants Selbstzweck-Formel des Kategorischen Imperativs"
Philosophical Society Bern (krino), 25.04.2024

Talk "Kant über Pflichten gegen andere und das Problem der Armut"
Lecture Series: Kant und die Gegenwart, in collaboration with the digital Kant-Center NRW and the University of Bonn, Art and Exhibition Hall Bonn, 10.04.2024

Keynote Speech, Colloquium "Rethinking Migration - Historical and Contemporary Perspectives":
"Kant, Migration and the Cosmopolitan Right Not to be Treated with Hostility",
Villa Vigoni Italy, 28.02.2024


Kant-Conference 2024  Plakat Köln 2024

Corinna Mieth, Sophie Bernard
Two faces of dignity: a Kantian perspective on Uber drivers' fight for decent working conditions,
November 5, 2023

Talk, Workshop "Justice and Public Reasoning in a Democratic Society": "Kant, Migration and the Cosmopolitan Right Not to be Treated with Hostility", University of Belgrade, 17.03.2023

Workshop Justice And Public Reasoning In A Democratic Society


Talk, Nachwuchskolloquium Berlin-Berne-Bochum: "Kant, Migration and the Cosmopolitan Right Not to be Treated with Hostility", University of Berne, 10.03.2023


Talk: "Kant, Migration and the Cosmopolitan Right Not to be Treated with Hostility", University of Zagreb, 08.03.2023


Talk: "Just War and Humanitarian Intervention through Liberal and Realist Lenses" (with Borna Zguric and Ana Matan), University of Zagreb, 07.03.2023


Talk, Conference "The Tasks of Practical Reason in Kant": "Kant, Migration and the Cosmopolitan Right Not to be Treated with Hostility", University of Bonn, 28-29.10.2022


Talk, International Conference "Kant's Cosmopolitan Normativity: Borders, Migration and Justice": "Kant, Migration and the Cosmopolitan Right Not to be Treated with Hostility", Complutense University of Madrid, 24-26.10.2022

Kant's Cosmopolitan Normativity: Borders Migration and Justice-Program


Research Stay, Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (FMSH), Paris, 05.10-19.11.2022


Research Fellow, University of Rijeka, 07.09-26.09.2022


Opening Workshop "Digitales Kant-Zentrum NRW", University of Siegen


Talk, Opening Workshop "Digitales Kant-Zentrum NRW", University of Siegen, 30.09-01.10.2022


Talk, Satellite Workshop "Supererogation: Feminist Perspectives": "Supererogation, Aufopferung und die Zuschreibung von Heldenhaftigkeit", subsequent to the GAP.11 Conference, Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie, Humboldt University of Berlin, 16-17.09.2022


Keynote Speech, Workshop "Moral Equality": "Blind Spots in the Formula of Humanity: What Does It Mean Not to Treat Someone as an End?", Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka, 08.03.2022

Workshop-moral Equality-3 2022


Fellow, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin (WIKO), September 2020-June 2021

Fellowship Details    (285.3 kB)