Hybrid Workshop at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 5-6 December 2024 in Room GAFO 04/619. Attendance is free but registration is mandatory because seats are limited. Please send an email to hilfskraefte-newen@rub.de.
Speakers: François Recanati, John Perry, Julia Wolf, Francesco Marchi, Albert Newen, Joulia Smortchkova, Michael Murez, Christian Scholz, Josef Perner.
Further information here.
The DFG Reseearch Training Group Situated Cognition (Bochum/Osnabrück) is organising a partly hybrid talk series in the Winter term.
With Michael Pauen, Susanna Schellenberg, François Recanati, Jan Slaby and Uwe Meixner. Please note the different rooms/venues on campus and in town in case you want to participate in person.
Organisation: Albert Newen and Christian Scholz
The final workshop of the project "Simulations of Scientific Inquiry", organized by Prof. Dunja Šešelja's Team, will be held at Ruhr-Universität Bochum on January 29-31, 2025. The workshop will take place at Wasserstraße 221, 4th floor. More information about the project here.
We are happy to announce that the next Rudolf-Carnap Lectures will be delivered by Prof. Peter Carruthers (University of Maryland) on March 17-19, 2025. There is a call for papers for early career researchers to submit papers here.
Participation is free but seats are limited. Please contact: center-mindcognition@rub.de for further information.
As part of the MA seminar offered by Prof. Tobias Schlicht in the summer term (Fridays 10-12), there will be a student meet author workshop with Prof. Jonathan Birch (LSE) on June 12-13, 2025 in Saal 1 of the Veranstaltungszentrum on Campus.
Please register for participation by sending an email to Franziska Klasen (franziska.klasen@rub.de).
INTERACT! Workshop on Interaction with intelligent Systems in the Kunstmuseum Bochum, 24.-25. October 2024.
With Jonas Blatter, Claire Hart, Laura Kunold, Matthew Liao, Raffaele Rodogno, Tobias Schlicht, Jessica Szczuka, Fabio Tollon, Sonja Utz und Eva Weber-Guskar.
Participation is free, but please register by Email to Tobias Starzak (tobias.starzak at rub.de).
Organisation: Tobias Starzak and the Interact! Team
Prof. Kristina Liefkes Team is organising a Workshop on the Semantics of Remembering.
With José Carlos Camillo, Jordi Fernández, Kristina Liefke, Christopher McCarroll, Kourken Michaelian, James Openshaw, Denis Perrin, Emil Rosina, Jakub Rudnicki, André Sant'Anna, Markus Werning.
Further Information soon here.