Summer Semester 2024

Prof. Dr. Marc Stadtler

Informal Learning Processes in Digital Settings: Cyberbullying, Sexting and Other Phenomena

The use of digital media goes hand in hand with a variety of informal learning experiences. For example, young people learn more or less appropriate manners in social interaction, they acquire knowledge about the regulation of privacy on the internet or gain experience with cyberbullying and how to combat it. In the first part of the seminar, we will learn about scientific findings on informal learning experiences in digital media and reflect on these against the background of our own media usage behavior. Based on this, in the second part of the seminar you will design a prevention measure in small groups to raise awareness of phenomena such as sexual harassment on the internet, cyberbullying, violent computer games or sexting. These are then presented to each other in a virtual gallery tour and critically evaluated.


Course number: 030203

Room: GABF 05/703

Time: Wed 14-16 (Start: 10.04.2024)

Individual Determinants of Learning and Educational Participation


In modern information societies, education is a central prerequisite for prosperity and participation in social and democratic processes. In this seminar, we will therefore look at central personal determinants of learning and participation in education. The central questions are: What motivational, cognitive and metacognitive competencies do learners need to have in order to acquire knowledge in formal and informal learning scenarios? Which contextual factors, e.g. located in the family, also facilitate or hinder participation in educational opportunities? Empirical findings from relevant research studies are received and reflected on against the background of the students' own educational biographies.


Course number: 030212

Room: GA 2/41

Time: Tue 10-12 (Start: 09.04.2024)

Science To Go: Digital Practices of Knowledge Utilization in Everyday (Working) Life


In a rapidly changing world, citizens often rely on scientific information to cope with professional demands and in their private lives. This course is dedicated to the multifaceted topic of digital practices of using scientific knowledge in everyday (working) life. In particular, the focus is on the relationship between science and the public, the question of citizens' trust in science, the presentation of science in (digital) media and the use of scientific knowledge by teachers.

Contents (Excerpts):

  • Science and the public: analysis of the interplay between science and the general public, identification of mechanisms for building trust.
  • Science in (digital) media: Investigation of the representation of scientific content in digital media and social media platforms.
  • Building trust: Discussion of why citizens can trust science and how this trust can be promoted.
  • Application examples in education: Practical approaches on how teachers can use scientific knowledge in their professional environment.

Benefits: Participants will not only gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between science and the public, but also concrete insights into the challenges and opportunities of digital practices of knowledge use. The course promotes critical thinking and teaches strategies for the effective application of scientific knowledge in education.


Course number: 030213

Room: GA 2/41

Time: Tue 12-14 (Start: 09.04.2024)

An Overview of Places, Forms and Media of Formal, Non-Formal and Informal Learning (with Prof. Dr. Sandra Aßmann and Prof. Dr. Falk Scheidig)


In the lecture, the process of learning across the entire lifespan is considered along the three aspects of “places”, “forms” and “media”. From early childhood to old age, we learn every day in very different settings. Our own everyday experiences make it clear that learning can potentially take place anywhere and at any time. The development of digital and, in particular, mobile media has also contributed to the fact that it is possible to be physically present in a social context (e.g. in an educational institution) and at the same time be on the move in completely different virtual worlds, e.g. in social networks. The effects of these processes of boundary dissolution on (organized) learning will be discussed in the lecture. In this context, for example, the mixing of locations (educational institutions, associations), the reciprocal use of work equipment (media and media offerings) and the area-specific transfer of skills (media skills versus subject-specific skills developed through everyday media use) must be analyzed in more detail.


Course number: 030260

Room: HGA 20

Time: Tue 14-16 (Start: 09.04.2024)

Teaching in the Post-Factual Age: How Do I Promote Students' Resilience to Fake News?


In an era characterized by an abundance of information and the spread of misinformation, media literacy is becoming increasingly important for students. According to the NRW media literacy framework, promoting this is a task for all subjects. This course, tailored to student teachers, offers an in-depth examination of the challenges posed by the post-factual age and presents practical approaches on how teachers can strengthen their students' resilience to misinformation.


  • Analysis of the post-factual phenomenon: understanding the spread of fake news and the impact on society.
  • Media literacy in the classroom: methods and strategies to promote critical thinking and the analysis of information.
  • Resilience training: Practical exercises and approaches to make students more resilient to manipulative information.
  • Case studies and best practices: Insight into successful teaching models that sustainably strengthen students' media skills and resilience.

Benefits: Participants not only gain a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of misinformation, but also receive concrete methods and tools to specifically promote their students' media literacy and resilience. The event enables a practical exchange and provides valuable impulses for modern teaching in times of the post-factual.


Course number: 030395

Room: GABF 05/713

Time: Wed 12-14 (Start: 10.04.2024)

Dr. Corinna Schuster

Learning in the Museum


Lifelong learning is also playing an increasingly important role outside of formal learning contexts such as schools, universities, training institutions or further vocational training. Museums are places of learning where non-formal or informal learning takes place. Visitors of different age groups and educational backgrounds acquire new knowledge here in a self-determined way. In the seminar, the current state of knowledge on the special learning conditions in museums, the potentials and limitations associated with learning for different target groups will be explored on the basis of the relevant literature. Participants will reflect on these findings in greater depth as part of their own practical experience in designing non-formal learning opportunities. Building on the theoretical background and empirical findings on learning in museums, small groups will design their own teaching-learning situations for the museum context, i.e. their own virtual museum exhibitions using artificial intelligence and augmented reality, among other things.


Course number: 030206

Room: GA 03/46

Time: Fr. 08-10 (Start: 12.04.2024)

Diagnostics in Everyday Teaching: Companion Course for the Praxissemester (Practical Semester)/Course 3


The seminar consists of two parts, a theoretical and an empirical part.

The theoretical part lays the foundations for being able to scientifically observe phenomena and problems in everyday school life. For this purpose, modules are worked on in Moodle, each consisting of videos, texts and a small test. The test assesses the knowledge acquired through the media. Students study these modules in a self-regulated manner.

In the empirical part, students come together in groups to work together on an observation and analysis task. For this task, subject areas are specified from which the students can choose a content area. The individual seminar sessions are used for group consultation by the lecturers to support the observation and analysis task. The results of the group work are presented and discussed in a poster exhibition in the last session.


Course number: 030499

Room: GA 03/46

Time: Fr (26.04.2024) 10-12; Fr (17.05.2024) 10-12; Fr (14.06.2024) 10-12; Fr (05.07.2024) 10-12