

Term papers or Essays

Essays or term papers are written according to the following template - Please use the following templates for your essays:

  1. Cover Page (Vorlage de) (Template en)
  2. Table of Contents
  3. Main Text (Seitenzahl ist mit dem Dozenten abzusprechen - The number of pages to be discussed with the lecturer)
  4. Reference List (Muster_Sample)
  5. Signed Statement of Authorship (Vorlage de) (Template en)
Courses offered in the 2024/2025 winter semester

In the winter semester 2024/2025 Professor Newen offers the following courses:

  • Seminar with Sanja
  • Seminar: Wahrnehmen und Verstehen: Sich selbst, die Welt und Andere (030087)
  • Interdisciplinary Reading Club: Recent Debates in Philosophy of Mind and Situated Cognition (030127)
  • Lecture series: Introduction into Cognitive Science with Jonas Rose and others (030005)

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Topics for theses

Topics from research foci
Philosophy of Mind
  • Theories of self-consciousness / Theories of the ego
  • Theories of the self and theories of memory
  • Self-knowledge and self-deception
  • Theories of social understanding
  • Theories of conciousness and the qualia problem
  • Philosophy of perception
  • Philosophy of emotions
  • On the mind-body problem and on mental causation
  • Externalism / Internalism: Beliefs and sentence meanings
  • Animal Cognition
Philosophy of Language
  • On the distinction between semantics and pragmatics
  • On the meaning of singular terms (proper names, labels, indicators)
  • Reference and predication
  • Regelfolgen
  • On modern philosophy of language: Grice, Putnam, Lewis, Perry, Schiffer, Brandom.
  • Theories of terms
  • Skepticism
  • Perceptual contents and perceptual judgments
  • Perceptions und beliefs / cognitive penetration
  • Terms
  • Propositions
  • Mental states and processes
  • Rules
  • Actions and events
Philosophy of Science
  • Causality and mental causation
  • Reductivity and emergence

Additional topics from research and teaching foci

History of Philosophy
  • On the origins of Analytic Philosophy: Frege, Russell, Wittgenstein, Carnap
  • British Empiricism: Locke, Berkeley, especially Hume
  • Rationalism/Transcendental Philosophy: From Descartes to Kant
Practical Philosophy
  • Action theory
  • Philosophy of Art
  • Ethics of AI

supervised theses

Doctoral theses


Dr. Malte Dahlgrün The nature of concepts, Oktober 2006.
Dr. Gottfried Vosgerau Repräsentationen und Selbstbewusstsein, (2004-2007)
Dr. Vera Hoffmann Supervenienz und mentale Verursachung (2004-2008)
Dr. Alexandra Zinck Selbstbewusstsein, Individualität und die Rolle von Emotionen (2004-2008)
Dr. Eva-Maria Jung Wissen und Können aus philosophischer und kognitionswissenschaftlicher Perspektive (2005-2008)
Dr. Ulrike Pompe Wissen, Repräsentation und die Wahrnehmung von Einzeldingen (2006-2008)
Dr. Raphael van Riel Wissenschaftstheorie der Neurowissenschaften (2007-2009)
Dr. Christoph Michel Selbstwissen bei Wittgenstein (2007-2012)
Dr. Anika Fiebich Varities of Social Understanding (2009-2013)
Dr. Anna Welpinghus Emotions as Natural and Social Kinds (2011-2013)
Dr. Tomoo Ueda Telling what she thinks. Semantics and pragmatics of propositional attitude reports. (2009-2013)
Dr. Tobias Starzak Kognition bei Menschen und Tieren. Eine vergleichende philosophische Perspektive (2010-2013)
Dr. Lena Kästner Philosophy of Cognitive Neuroscience: Causal Explanations, Mechanisms & Empirical Manipulations (2011-2014)
Dr. Franchesco Marchi The interactions between perception and cognition: an investigation of attention and cognitive penetrability in Philosophy and Cognitive Science (2013-2017)
Dr. Pascale Willemsen Investigating the Role of Causal Responsibility for the Attribution of Moral Responsibility (2014-2017)
Dr. Sabrina Coninx The Nature of Pain (2015-2018)
Dr. Julia Wolf The role of situated and cognitive factors in the development of social cognition (2017-2020)
Dr. Matej Kohár Curing representation hunger (2017-2020)
Dr. Leonard Dung Animal Consciousness and Beyond: Animal Experience, Feeling Machines and Moral Weight (2020-2023)
Dr. Maja Griem Core Abilities of Social Cognition through the Lens of Situated Cognition: Investigating Attention Guidance, Play, and Empathy from a Comparative Perspective (2020-2023)

Running doctoral theses

Christian Scholz Aphantasia and Cognitive Substitution
William Angkasa Mindreading, Mindshaping and Minexpecting: A Situated Framework for Understanding Crowd's Mind and Behavior
Alexander Hölken Mental Constraints: A Dynamical Systems Account of Mental Causation
Renee (Zhiyi) Ye How to develop a species-specific investigation and attribution of cognitive abilities in nonhuman animals