Changes of name and address must be communicated to the Examination Office immediately and entered in eCampus.
Notifications from the Examination Office will only be sent to your RUB e-mail address.
Academic credit transfer/ equivalency tests
The respective subject coordinators of the individual subjects are responsible for recognising academic credits from other institutions for the B.A./ M.A. degree programme or the M.Ed. degree programme.
BAföG (initial) certificates and certificates for student loans etc. are signed by the student advisors of the individual subjects. However, as soon as you have registered for the final examination at the Examination Office, the Examination Office is responsible for the final certificate
Certified copies of certificates and diplomas
Who can I contact? - The ASTA (your student council) can make certified copies for you.
Preparation of duplicates of certificates and diplomas
In accordance with paragraph 1 of “Satzung über die Gebühren für die Zweitausfertigung” (Statutes on fees for duplicate copies) of 16.01.2004, a fee of 25 € is charged for each duplicate copy requested.
These fees are due with the application for the duplicate and are to be paid by bank transfer to the account of the Ruhr- Universität Bochum:
Sparkasse Bochum
IBAN: DE19430500010001220011
Payment reference: last name, first name / Finance Office of the relevant Examination Office / duplicate