Realism and Objectivity (Conditions for Objectivity)
Director: Prof. Dr. Luca Illetterati
University of Padova – Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and applied Psychology
Funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research Abstract
Kant’s Critical Conception of a Metaphysical System: Its Origin, Characteristics, and Transformation in Early Post-Kantian Philosophy
Director: Prof. Dr. Karin de Boer
University of Leuven – Centre for Metaphysics and Philosophy of Culture
Funded by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) Abstract
Begriffe und Praktiken der Darstellung in Philosophie, Chemie und Malerei um 1800
Director: Dr. Arno Schubbach
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich – Departement Geistes-, Sozial- und Staatswissenschaften
Funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) Abstract
Hegel's Political Metaphysics
Director: Prof. Dr. Zdravko Kobe
University of Ljubljana – Department of Philosophy
Funded by the Javna Agencija Za Raziskovalno Dejavnost Republike Slovenije (arrs) Abstract