Archiv der Tagungen

Bochum Rutgers Workshop 2024

Rutgers-bochum 2024 Poster Prelim

Bochum Rutgers Workshop

23-24 Mai 2024

Carnap Lectures 2024: Lisa Feldman Barrett

Poster Rcl2024-6 Bild

Carnap Lectures 2024: Lisa Feldman Barrett

14-16 März 2024

Workshop zu Norms and Social Understanding at Ruhr-University Bochum

04. - 06. April 2024

Organisation: Leda Berio, Kristin Andrews, and Albert Newen

Website und Program.



Bochum Rutgers Workshop (05. - 06.06.2023)

Programm und Zoomlink

Plakat Consciousness In Humans _animals And Ai

Workshop: Investigating Consciousness in Humans, Animals and Artifical Systems: A Comparative Perspective
01. - 02.06.2023 

RUB UMFG Workshop

Dritter RUB-UFMG Workshop (02. - 03.05. 2023)

Carnap Poster

2023 Carnap Lectures (23. - 25 März 2023): Kim Sterelny

Download des finalen Programs Website


Carnap Lectures Heyes

2022 Carnap Lectures (07. - 08. Juni 2022): Cecilia Heyes




Poster Animal / Child Cognition

2nd RUB-UFMG Workshop in Philosophy of Mind & Cognitive Science

20th & 21st of September 2021

Link to poster



Bochum-Dortmund Colloquium on Mind and Cognition

April 28th - June 23rd 2020


Wie wir die Welt sehen

Rutgers-Bochum Workshop

March 6th - 7th, 2020

Website | Poster


Abta Poster

Automaticity and Bias in Thought and Action

October 07 - 8, 2019

Website | Poster

EuroCogSci 2019

EuroCogSci 2019

September 02 - 4, 2019

Website | Poster

Rutgers Workshop 2019 Thumb

Bochum-Rutgers-Workshop in Philosophy

March 18-19, 2019

Program | Poster

Rcl2019 Poster Thumb

Rudolf-Carnap-Lectures 2019

March 14 - 15, 2019

Website | Poster


Investigating Mind Poster Thumb

Investigating the Mind
Pain, Emotion & Affective Disorders

November 08 - 10, 2018

Website | Poster | Program

Poster Rtg Conf 09 18 Thumb

GAP Satellite Workshop: Situated Cognition, Mental Representation, Mechanistic Explanation

September 21, 2018

Program | Poster | Website


Rutgers Workshop 2019 Thumb

Bochum-Rutgers Conference

April 27th & 28th, 2018

Program | Poster

Selfmemory2 Thumb

Self, Memory, and the Unconscious Mind

February 22th & 23th, 2018

Website | Poster



Rcl2018 Poster Thumb

Rudolf-Carnap-Lectures 2018

March 07 - 09, 2018

Program | Poster | Website


Enactposter Thumb

Enactivism: Theory and Performance

March 15 - 17, 2018



Philosophy Within Its Proper Bounds

18th December 2017



New Perspectives on Self-Deception, Biased Belief & Automatic Action

1st December 2017

Website | Poster



Workshop: Concept Learning and Reasoning in Conceptual Spaces

24th & 25th October 2017

Website | Poster


Fellow Lecture by Prof. Dr. Peter Gardenfors (Lund University): An Epigenetic Approach to Semantic Categories

24th October 2017

Website | Poster

The Nature of Pain: An Interdisciplinary Perspective

20th September 2017,09:15 - 18:00

Website | Poster


Graduiertenkolleg: Situated Cognition

23th June 2017,13:00 - 17:45

Website | Poster

Carnap Lectures 2017

Rudolf-Carnap-Lectures 2017 Frank C. Jackson (ANU): The nature of Mind: What kind of materialist should I be?

June 8th, 2017, 17.45 - 20.00

Website | Poster

Xphi Morality And Causation Poster

The Experimental Philosophy of Morality and Causation
Perspectives from Philosophy, Psychology, and Law

June, 13th 2017, RUB

Poster | Program


Bochum-Rutgers-Workshop in Philosophy

May 19 - 20, 2017

Program | Poster

Spring-school 2017

Spring School 2017 Social Cognition, Emotion and Joint Action

March 06 - 10, 2017


Jakob Hohwy

Prof. Jacob Hohwy
March 03 - 04, 2017

Program | Poster





October 14-15, 2016


Mensch-tier-final2 Thumb

Rational Animals?
Comparing human and animal minds from an interdisciplinary perspective

October 04 - 06, 2016


Mind-and-language3 Thumbnail


October 14 - 16, 2016



Carnap Lectures 2016
mit Patricia Churchland (San Diego)

March 07-09, 2016



Cognitive Penetration

Cognitive Penetration
and Predictive Coding

23. - 24. März 2015

Website | Poster

Carnap Lectures 2015

Carnap Lectures 2015
mit Prof. John Campbell (Berkeley)

26. - 28. Februar 2015

Website | Poster


Experimental Philosophy Group Germany
Investigating the Nature and our Understanding of Causality, Morality, Language, Mind , and Aesthetics

November 26-28, 2015

Website | Poster



Den Stiftungen begegnen
Social Cognition

July 4th 2014

Website | Poster

Future Of Social Cognition

The Future of Social Cognition

12th-14th June 2014

Website | Poster


Carnap Lectures 2014
Daniel C. Dennett (Tufts)

March 10th-12th 2014

Website | Poster



Phenomenal Mindreading
Attributing Conscious Experiences to Oneself and Others

November 21st-23rd 2013

Website | Poster


Nature, Recognition and Culture

October 17th-19th 2013

Website | Poster

Geist Verstehen

Geist verstehen
Klassische Deutsche und Analytische Philosophie im Gespräch

October 4th-5th 2013

Website | Poster


What is cognition?

June 27th-29th 2013


Saphir Aushang

Systematic Analytic Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Research

Febraury 25th-27th 2013




Social Understanding
Evolution, Culture, Development

September 27st-29rd 2012

Animalcognition2012 Th

Animal Cognition
Behavioral Studies and Theory Formation

June 28th-30th 2012


Carnap Lectures 2012

Carnap Lectures 2012
Ned Block (NYU),
Susan Carey (Harvard)

May 31th - June 2nd 2012


Bochum-Bielefeld Colloquium
Philosophical Perspectives on Epistemology, Mind, and Science

May 4th-5th 2012


2011 unter älter

Workshop: The Semantics and Epistemology of Mental State Ascriptions 30.09.2011 - 1.10.2011
Spe4 Semantics Epistemology Poster Th


The Semantics and Epistemology of Mental State Ascriptions

September 30th - October 1st, 2011

Interdisciplinary Conference "Other Minds" (20.09.2011 - 21.09.2011)
Otherminds Bochum

Interdisciplinary Conference

Other Minds

September 20th - 21th, 2011


International Workshop and Summer School Social and Cultural Cognition (16.07.2011 - 23.07.2011)

Workshop & Summer School

Social and Cultural Cognition

July 15th - 26th, 2011

Universität zu Köln

Thinking About Animal Cognition, A workshop with Colin Allen (17.03.2011 - 18.03.2011)

Thinking About Animal Cognition

A workshop with Colin Allen
(Alexander von Humboldt Laureate 2010)

March 17th-18th 2011

Brainreading, Mindreading and Neuroethics (05 - 06.11.2010)

Bochum - Köln - Turku,
November 5-6th, 2010

Program and Information



Shared Emotions, Joint Attention and Joint Action (26.10.2010)
Aarhus2010 Interdisciplinary Conference at Aarhus University (DK)

ESPP 2010: Europäische Tagung für Philosophie und Psychologie in Bochum und Essen (25.08.2010 - 28.08.2010 ( Homepage )

ESPP 2010

Meeting of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology

25.08.2010 - 28.08.2010

Internationale Konferenz am ZIF (29.10.09 - 31.10.09) ( Homepage )
Perception Klein Internationale Konferenz am ZIF


„Call for Posters“

Download registration form here
Memory and Self-Understanding (03.06.2009 - 05.06.2009)
Memory And Self Understanding International Conference Memory and Self-Understanding 3-5 Juni 2009

Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg Delmenhorst

Wissen, Geist und Wissenschaft (06.11.2008 - 22.01.2009)
Wissengeistundwissenschaft Klein Wissen, Geist und Wissenschaft

06.11.2008 - 22.01.2009

to the program
Minds of Humans and Other Animals (Friday 10.10.2008) ( Homepage )
Animalminds Klein Minds of Humans and Other Animals

Friday 10.10.2008

to the program
Joint Attention (15.08.2008 - 16.08.2008) ( Homepage )
Joint Attention Klein Joint Attention

August 15-16, 2008

to the program
Defining Thoughts (05.06.2008 - 07.06.2008) ( Homepage )
Definingthoughts Defining Thoughts

5.-7. Juni

to the program
International Conference on Mental Causation, Externalism, and Self-Knowledge (13.10.2005 - 15.10.2005)

International Conference on Mental Causation, Externalism, and Self-Knowledge.
Organisation: Prof. Dr. Albert Newen (Univ. Tübingen), Vera Hoffmann (Univ. Tübingen), Prof. Dr. Michael Esfeld (Univ. Lausanne)
Start: Thursday 13th Oct. 8.45 a.m.
The international conference at the University of Tübingen will bring together leading experts in the philosophy of mind currently working on mental causation, externalism, and self-knowledge, with a strong focus on mental causation. To participate please register before September 1st, 2005.
Further information…

Philosophische Fachtagung zum Thema "Selbstwissen, privilegierter Zugang und die Autorität der ersten Person" (18.03.2004 - 19.03.2004)

Philosophische Fachtagung zum Thema "Selbstwissen, privilegierter Zugang und die Autorität der ersten Person" unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Albert Newen und Gottfried Vosgerau; finanziert durch die VolkswagenStiftung

Interdisziplinäre und internationale Fachtagung zum Thema "Self-Representation. Neural Correlates of Human Self-Consciousness" (03.04.2003 - 05.04.2003)

Interdisziplinäre und internationale Fachtagung zum Thema "Self-Representation. Neural Correlates of Human Self-Consciousness" am Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg in Delmenhorst unter Leitung von Priv.-Doz. Dr. Albert Newen und Dr. Dr. Kai Vogeley, finanziert durch die DFG (sowie einen Zuschuss des Hanse-Wissenschaftskollegs)

Philosophische Fachtagung zum Thema Self and Self-Consciousness" (08.07.1999 - 09.07.1999)

Philosophische Fachtagung zum Thema Self and Self-Consciousness" in Bonn unter Leitung von Dr. Albert Newen und Rimas Cuplinskas, M.A. Finanziert durch den Bennigsen-Foerder-Preis (siehe oben) mit Unterstützung der Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung

Internationale philosophische Fachtagung zum Thema "Gottlob Frege: Philosophie der Logik, der Sprache und der Erkenntnis" (07.10.1998 - 10.10.1998)

Internationale philosophische Fachtagung zum Thema "Gottlob Frege: Philosophie der Logik, der Sprache und der Erkenntnis" in Bonn unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Rainer Stuhlmann-Laeisz, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Nortmann, Dr. Albert Newen, Finanziert durch die DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) und Firmenspenden

Interdisziplinäre Fachtagung zum Thema "Das Selbst und seine neurobiologischen Grundlagen" (07.05.1998 - 09.05.1998)

Interdisziplinäre Fachtagung zum Thema "Das Selbst und seine neurobiologischen Grundlagen" in Bonn unter Leitung von Dr. Albert Newen (Philosophie) und Dr. Dr. Kai Vogeley (Uniklinik, Psychiatrie) Finanziert je zur Hälfte von der VW-Stiftung und der medizinischen Fakultät

Internationale Fachtagung von Linguisten und Philosophen im ZIF (Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung) (ZIF) (07.03.1994 - 09.03.1994)

Internationale Fachtagung von Linguisten und Philosophen im ZIF (Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung (ZIF), Bielefeld) zum Thema "Direkte Referenz, Indexikalität und propositionale Einstellungen" unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Künne, Dr. Albert Newen, Dr. Martin Anduschus Finanziert durch das ZIF (Land NRW)