Title |
KAINE - Knowledge Based Learning Platform With Artificial Intelligent Structured Content |
Duration |
09/2021 – 08/2024 |
Funding |
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) |
In-service professional training entails a particular challenge of reconciling family and professional obligations. Especially part-time trainings are characterized by ever shorter training cycles, the imparting of ever more complex knowledge in accordance with the increasingly complex competence profiles from an interdisciplinary context, increasing demands on learning efficacy, an opening of continuing education for new educational biographies, and a sustainable transfer of knowledge into everyday business life. Supporting learners in coping with these challenges in the best possible way implies research, development, and testing of intelligent educational programs. The KAINE research project specializes in the effectiveness and sustainability of learning through smart user-specific learning materials and dialogue-oriented tutoring systems.
The project includes three essential aspects, which complement each other and represent great added value for teaching and learning processes in professional development. First, an algorithm-based individualization of the learning process, which is implemented using methods of artificial intelligence. Second, individual learning journeys (curriculum) based on user and usage data. Third, a barrier-free accompaniment of the learning process by a voice or chatbot, which enables adaptive support of the learning process independently of time and location.
The KAINE research project strives to increase the didactic quality and the innovative development of an internet-based learning management system that is already being used in relevant fields of professional training. The central aim of the project is to use artificial intelligence for the individualization of learning journeys based on user and company-specific characteristics. It is intended to expand and optimize the digital learning management system by means of the development and testing of artificial intelligence using voice or chatbots to ensure professional agency as well as knowledge transfer in companies in the long term.
Further information concerning KAINE can be found here.