Dr. Linda Froese


Postdoctoral Researcher

Psychology of Education
Institute for Educational Science
Ruhr University Bo­chum
Uni­ver­si­täts­stra­ße 150
D - 44801 Bo­chum
GA 2/29
Phone: +49 234 32 - 22701

Foto Postdoctoral Researcher

Consultation Hours

by appointment by e-mail


The detailed CV (PDF) can be found here.

Academic Degrees

  • PhD (Dr. phil.) in Educational Science, Ruhr University Bochum (April 2024)
  • Master of Arts in Educational Science, University of Cologne (December 2019)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Educational Science, University of Cologne (September 2017)


  • metacognitive judgment accuracy
  • monitoring & regulation

Research Gate
Google Scholar

ORC-ID: 0000-0002-3697-5710


  • Froese, L., & Roelle, J. (2024). How to support self-assessment through standards in dissimilar- solution-tasks. Learning and Instruction94, Article 101998.
  • Froese, L., & Roelle, J. (2023). Expert example but not negative example standards help learners accurately evaluate the quality of self-generated examples. Metacognition and Learning.
  • Teich, K., Froese, L., Loock, V., & Rummel, N. (2023). Self-regulated learning in online continuing education: Managing learning time is a key challenge. In Blikstein, P., Van Aalst, J., Kizito, R., & Brennan, K. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2023 (pp. 1863–1864). International Society of the Learning Sciences.
  • Loock, V. S., Fleischer, J., Scheunemann, A., Froese, L., Teich, K., & Wirth, J. (2022). Narrowing down dimensions of e-learning readiness in continuing vocational education - perspectives from the adult learner. Frontiers in Psychology, 13
  • Roelle, J., Froese*, L., Krebs*, R., Obergassel*, N., & Waldeyer*, J. (2022). Sequence matters! Retrieval practice before generative learning is more effective than the reverse order. Learning and Instruction80, Article 101634.
  • Froese, L., & Roelle, J. (2022). Expert example standards but not idea unit standards help learners accurately evaluate the quality of self-generated examples. Metacognition and Learning, 17(2), 565–588.

     * authors contributed equally to the publication

M.A. Nadine Overkamp
Tel: 0234 / 32-27324
Room: GA 2/32

Opening Hours
Tuesday:     14:00-16:00 Uhr
Wednesday:  9:00-12:00 Uhr
and by appointment.