I am / was a member of the editorial boards of the following journals:
Studia Logica, Associate Editor 1996-2000, Managing Editor since 2000
Reports on Mathematical Logic, since 1998
Bulletin of the Section of Logic, Collecting Editor 2000-2004
Journal of Applied Logic, since 2003
Journal of Logic and Computation, since 2007
Logica Universalis, since 2007
Theoria. A Swedish Journal of Philosophy, Consulting Editor 2008-2017
Journal of Philosophical Logic, since 2009
Thought: A Journal of Philosophy, Panel member, since 2011
Logic and Logical Philosophy, since 2013
Logical Investigations, edited by the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, since 2013
IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications, since 2013
Since 2002, I am in charge of a "Corner on directions in nonclassical logic" for the Journal of Logic and Computation, Since 2008, I share this editorship with Prof. Walter Carnielli (Campinas)
Studia Logica
Published under the auspices of the Polish Association for Logic and Philosophy of Sciences.
The scope of the journal: Studia Logica publishes original papers on various logical systems, which utilize methods of contemporary formal logic (those of algebra, model theory, proof theory, etc.). More specifically Studia Logica invites articles on topics in general logic and on applications of logic to other branches of knowledge such as philosophy of language, cognitive science, and artificial intelligence.
The distinctive feature of Studia Logica is its series of monothematic issues edited by outstanding scholars and devoted to important topics of contemporary logic, or covering significant conferences.
Reports on Mathematical Logic
Reports on Mathematical Logic is a journal aimed at publishing quality research papers on mathematical logic and the foundations of mathematics.
Bulletin of the Section of Logic
The Bulletin of the Section of Logic (BSL) is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal published with the support from the University of Lodz. Its aim is to act as a forum for a wide and timely dissemination of new and significant results in logic through rapid publication of short papers and extended abstracts. BSL publishes contributions on topics dealing directly with logical calculi, their methodology, and algebraic interpretation.
In addition to regular papers, the journal also publishes significant on-going research in the form of extended abstracts. Such abstracts are treated as "work in progress" and later publication of their full versions in other journals is not precluded. If possible, each abstract should provide the complete bibliographical information on the full paper.
Journal of Applied Logic
For further information about the journal, see:
Journal of Logic and Computation
Corner on directions in nonclassical logic In 2001, the Journal of Logic and Computation has opened a corner on directions in nonclassical logic. The corner is meant to be a continuous platform for bringing to the fore interesting and important directions in nonclassical logic. These may be completely new lines of research, surprising extensions of established theories, unexpected connections between two or more areas, or important but neglected or underestimated approaches. Normally, the corner will present single papers or pairs or triples of papers highlighting a common theme.
Call for submissions
Contributions to the corner are invited from all areas of non-classical logic and may consist of single papers, or pairs or triples of complementary papers. Also proposals for topics to be addressed in the corner are most welcome. Submissions of papers should be accompanied by a brief statement explaining in which respect the submitted papers emphasize and illuminate an important direction in nonclassical logic.
Logica Universalis
Logica Universalis publishes peer-reviewed research papers related to universal features of logic. Topics include general tools and techniques for studying already existing logics and building new ones, the study of classes of logics, the scope of validity and the domain of application of fundamental theorems, and also philosophical and historical aspects of general concepts of logic.
Theoria. A Swedish Journal of Philosophy
Theoria, funded in 1935, is Sweden’s international philosophy journal. Theoria is a
peer-reviewed quarterly that publishes in all areas of philosophy. Beginning in 2008,
Theoria will be published by Wiley-Blackwell, and will now appear both on paper and on the web.
Journal of Philosophical Logic
The Journal of Philosophical Logic provides a forum for work utilizing the formal tools and methods of symbolic logic to shed light upon questions of philosophical, conceptual, or foundational relevance.
Accordingly, the Journal presents contributions from traditional branches of philosophical logic, including various versions of modal, temporal, and deontic logic; constructive and sub-classical logics; many-valued logics; conditionals; quantum logic; relevance logic; inductive logic and belief change; formal philosophy of language; theories of truth and validity.
Coverage extends to applications of logic to various different fields of scientific and formal inquiry, including the foundations and philosophy of mathematics; the foundations and philosophy of the special sciences; the theoretical foundations of computer science, artificial intelligence, and defeasible reasoning; semantic theory and linguistics
features a quick review time, with a commitment to giving authors a response within eight weeks. All submissions are blind reviewed at all stages of the review process. Only papers that exemplify the highest standard of clarity will be published.
Logical Investigations
Annuary Logical Investigations was being published in 1993-2009 on the base of Nauka publishing house. Now it is published by the Center for Humanitarian Initiatives (C.G.I.) publishers, Moscow - St. Petersburg. The title is unique in its own way because it is the only periodical on logic in Russia and has gained high renown.
Logic and Logical Philosophy
The journal Logic and Logical Philosophy is edited by the Department of Logic, Nicolaus Copernicus University, ul. Asnyka 2 87-100 Toruń, Poland,
Logic and Logical Philosophy is a journal chiefly devoted to philosophical logic and philosophy resulting from the application of logical tools to philosophical problems. Other logical topics and applications of logic to related disciplines are not excluded. The editors' aim is to publish well-written papers presenting new and important research results in the above-mentioned disciplines. From 2006, the journal has appeared quarterly.
IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications
The IfColog Journal of Logics and their Applications (FLAP) covers all areas of pure and applied logic, broadly construed. All papers published are open access