Programme commitees
- Łódź, September 2020
- Trends in Logic XX. Logic and Reasoning: Formal and Informal, Kiev, September 2020
- XXV. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Philosophie, Erlangen-Nürnberg, September 2020, Section on Logic, chair
- Logica 2020, Hejnice monastery, June 2020
- Trends in Logic XIX. Current Issues in Philosophical Logic, Moscow, October 2019
- 16th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology (CLMPST), Prague, August 2019, Symposium on connexive logics, co-chair
- DARe 2019, 5th International Workshop on Defeasible and Ampliative Reasoning, Philadelphia, June 2019
- 11th Smirnov Readings, Moscow, June 2019
- NCL 2018, Non-Classical Logic. Theory and Applications, Torun, September 2018
- The 18th Trends in Logic international conference, Fine-Grained Semantics for Modal Logic: Formal and Foundational Issues, Milan, September 2018
- Poznan Reasonign Week, Poznan, September 2018
- Advances in Modal Logic (AiML'18), Bern, August 2018
- Logica 2018, Hejnice monastery, June 2018
- Fourth Philosophy of Language and Mind Conference, (PLM4), Bochum, September 2017
- DARe 2017, International Workshop on Defeasible and Ampliative Reasoning,Espoo, Juli 2017
- Advances in Modal Logic (AiML'16), Budapest, August 2016
- Third International Workshop on Defeasible and Ampliative Reasoning, DARe-16, at the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, The Hague, Netherlands, August 2016
- Trends in Logic XVI: Consistency, Contradiction, Paraconsistency and Reasoning – 40 years of CLE, Campinas, Brazil, September 2016
- The 20th Amsterdam Colloquium, December 2015
- GAP.9, Philosophie zwischen Lehnstuhl und Labor / Philosophy Between Armchair and Lab, Osnabrück, September 2015, Section on Logic, chair
- DARe 2015, International Workshop on Defeasible and Ampliative Reasoning, held in conjunction with IJCAI 2015, Buenos Aires, July 2015
- Trends in Logic XV, Logics for Social Behaviour, Delft, 29 June to 3 July 2015
- Advances in Modal Logic (AiML'14), Groningen, August 2014
- DARe 2014, International Workshop on Defeasible and Ampliative Reasoning, held in conjunction with ECAI 2015, Prague, August 2014
- Trends in Logic XIII, Łódź, July 2014
- PhDs in Logic VI, Utrecht, April 2014
- M4M8, Methods for Modalities 2013, Lake Placid, New York, June 2013
- Advances in Modal Logic 2012, (AiML'12), Copenhagen, August 2012
- LOFT10, 2012, 10th Conference on Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory, Sevilla, June 2012
- Trends in Logic XI, Advances in Philosophical Logic, Bochum, June 2012
- M4M7, Methods for Modalities 2011, Osuna, Spain, November 2011
- Trends in Logic IX, Church's Thesis -Logic, Mind and Nature, Cracow, June 2011
- LRR 10, Logic, Reasoning and Rationality, Gent, September 2010
- 3rd World Congress and School on Universal Logic, Lisbon, April2010
- GAP.7, Nachdenken und Vordenken - Herausforderungen an die Philosophie, Section on Logic and Philosophy of Science, Bremen, September 2009
- Trends in Logic VII. Trends in the Philosophy of Mathematics, Frankfurt/Main, September 2009
- 6th Smirnov Readings, Moscow, June 2009
- Journées Européennes sur la Logique en Intelligence Artificielle 2008 (JELIA '08), Dresden, September 2008, co-chair
- Advances in Modal Logic 2008 (AiML '08), Nancy, September 2008
- Trends in Logic V. Many-valued Logics and Cognition, Guangzhou, China, July 2007
- Advances in Modal Logic 2006 (AiML '06), Noosa (Australia), September 2006
- Towards Mathematical Philosophy. Studia Logica International Conference Trends in Logic IV, Torun, September 2006, chair
- Advances in Modal Logic 2004 (AiML '04), Manchester, September 2004, co-chair
- First-Order Logic 75 (FOL75), Berlin, September 2003, chair
- 10th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning and 4th International Conference on Temporal Logic (TIME-ICTL-2003), Queensland, July 2003
- Advances in Modal Logic 2002 (AiML '02), Toulouse, October 2002
- Advances in Modal Logic--International Conference on Temporal Logic 2000 (AiML-ICTL 2000), Leipzig, October 2000,
- Tableaux 2000, St Andrews (Schottland), July 2000
- 11th European Summer School in Logic, Languag and Information (ESSLLI'99), Utrecht, August 1999, chair
- Sinn und Bedeutung 1998, Leipzig, December 1998
- Advances in Modal Logic 1998 (AiML '98), Uppsala, October 1998
- Advances in Modal Logic 1996 (AiML '96), Berlin, October 1996