Vanessa van den Bogaert

External PhD student


Consultation Hours

by appointment by e-mail

External Links:

Current Projects

  • CS:iDrop – Citizen Science: Investigation of drinking Water of and by the Public
  • VideT – Teaching the Research Process - A Video-based Transfer Tool for Students


Academic Degrees

  • 2014: M. A. in Educational Science (Field of study: teaching at elementary schools, secondary schools and the corresponding grades of comprehensive schools, major in elementary school) at Bielefeld University
  • 2012: B. Sc. in Mathematics and Biology at Bielefeld University



  • Since 2020: Research Scientist in the project „VideT – Teaching the Research Process - A Video-based Transfer Tool for Students" (Prof. Dr. Joachim Wirth)
  • 2020-2022: Research Scientist in the project "Accompanying Research - “Plastic Pirates - Go Europe!” (Prof. Dr. Joachim Wirth)
  • 2020: Research Scientist in the project "DiAL:OGe Digitization in the Education of Student Teachers: Enabling Orientation and Design" (Prof. Dr. Joachim Wirth)
  • 2019-2020: Research Scientist at the Museum of Natural History, Leibniz Institute for Research on Evolution and Biodiversity Research area: Museum and Society, Berlin (Dr. Katrin Vohland)
  • 2018-2019: Research Scientist in the office of the Professional School of Education at the Ruhr University Bochum (Dr. Henning Feldmann)
  • 2017-2018: Coordinater and Research Scientist in the project "Ganz In – Mit Ganztag mehr Zukunft. Das neue Ganztagsgymnasium NRW" (Prof. Dr. Joachim Wirth)
  • 2016: Research Scientist at the student lab OPENSEA of the Biological Institute Helgoland, Foundation Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (Dr Antje Wichels)
  • 2014-2016: Lecturer at the Research Group on Learning and Instruction at the Ruhr University Bochum (Prof. Dr. Joachim Wirth)
  • 2014: Student Assistant in der Faculty of Biology Didactics at Bielefeld University (Prof. Dr. Matthias Wilde)


Research Interests

  • Interest development
  • Science of science communication
  • Science of citizen science

Selected Publications

Bessert-Nettelbeck, M., Bischof, A., Sturm, U., Nagy, E., Schraudner, M., Backhaus, J., Bruckermann, T., Hecker, S., Henke, J., Köpferl, K., Kirschke, S., Liedtke, C., Mahr, F., Maibaum, A., Podann, A. C., Rössig, W., Schäfer, M., Schröder, C., Schrögel, P., Shennan, V., Steinhaus, N., Stewart, M., van den Bogaert, V., Voigt-Heucke, S. (2023). Participation as a research approach in academia: A converging field. Research Ideas and Outcomes 9: e105155. DOI

Kiessling, T., van den Bogaert, V., Lawa, R. B. R., Çolakoğlu, J., Kruse, K., & Knickmeier, K. (2023). "Plastic Pirates – Go Europe!" Lehrkräfte berichten von ihren Erfahrungen mit dem Citizen-Science-Projekt. Unterricht Chemie, 194, 22–25. URL

Niemann, P., van den Bogaert, V., & Ziegler, R. (2023). Wissenschaftskommunikation evaluieren – mit Methode(n). In P. Niemann, V. van den Bogaert & R. Ziegler (Hrsg.), Evaluationsmethoden der Wissenschaftskommunikation (S. 1–13). Springer. DOI

van den Bogaert, V. (2023). Evaluationsstandards – Leitprinzipien von Evaluationen. In P. Niemann, V. van den Bogaert & R. Ziegler (Hrsg.), Evalutionsmethoden der Wissenschaftskommunikation (S. 85–103). Springer. DOI

van den Bogaert, V., & Knapp, V. (2021). Citizen Science im Unterricht. Erkenntnisgewinnung durch (onlinegestütztes) Mitforschen. Digital unterrichten. Biologie, (1):3.

van den Bogaert, V., & Wirth, J. (2020). Praxisbeitrag — Panelbefragung als Instrument der Veränderungsmessung am Beispiel der Interessenentwicklung. In K. Sommer, J. Wirth & M. Vanderbeke(Hrsg.), Handbuch Forschen im Schülerlabor — Theoretische Grundlagen, empirische Forschungsmethoden und aktuelle Anwendungsgebiete (S. 257–266). Waxmann.

Schaefer, T., Kieslinger, B., Brandt, M., & van den Bogaert, V. (2020). Evaluation in citizen science: The art of tracing a moving target. In K. Vohland, A. Land, L. Ceccaroni, R. Lemmens, J. Perelló, M. Ponti, R. Samson, & K. Wagenknecht (Eds.), The science of citizen science (pp. 495–514). Springer.

Stebner, F., Pfänder, H., Schuster, C., Schurig, M., van den Bogaert, V., & Strähle, P. (2019). Implementing self-regulated learning at full-day schools using the analytic framework of developmental processes. In M. Schüpbach & N. Lilla (Eds.), Extended education from an international comparative point of view (pp. 23–35). Springer.

Lisa Dautz

Phone: (+49) 0234 / 32- 22728
Fax: (+49) 0234 / 32- 14491


Room: GA 2 / 132

Opening hours:

by arrangement